Tuesday 16 January 2018

Skygofree — Powerful Android Spyware Discovered

Security researchers have unveiled one of the most powerful and highly advanced Android spyware tools that give hackers full control of infected devices remotely.
Dubbed Skygofree, the Android spyware has been designed for targeted surveillance, and it is believed to have been targeting a large number of users for the past four years.

Since 2014, the Skygofree implant has gained several novel features previously unseen in the wild, according to a new report published by Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs.

The 'remarkable new features' include location-based audio recording using device's microphone, the use of Android Accessibility Services to steal WhatsApp messages, and the ability to connect infected devices to malicious Wi-Fi networks controlled by attackers.
Skygofree is being distributed through fake web pages mimicking leading mobile network operators, most of which have been registered by the attackers since 2015—the year when the distribution campaign was most active, according to Kaspersky's telemetry data.

Italian IT Firm Behind Skygofree Spyware?


Researchers at Kaspersky Lab believe the hacker or hacking group behind this mobile surveillance tool has been active since 2014 and are based in Italy—the home for the infamous 'Hacking Team'—one of the world's bigger players in spyware trading.
"Given the many artifacts we discovered in the malware code, as well as infrastructure analysis, we are pretty confident that the developer of the Skygofree implants is an Italian IT company that works on surveillance solutions, just like HackingTeam," said the report.
Kaspersky found several Italian devices infected with Skygofree, which the firm described as one of the most powerful, advanced mobile implants it has ever seen.

Although the security firm has not confirmed the name of the Italian company behind this spyware, it found multiple references to Rome-based technology company "Negg" in the spyware's code. Negg is also specialised in developing and trading legal hacking tools.

Skygofree: Powerful Android Spyware Tool

Once installed, Skygofree hides its icon and starts background services to conceal further actions from the user. It also includes a self-protection feature, preventing services from being killed.
As of October last year, Skygofree became a sophisticated multi-stage spyware tool that gives attackers full remote control of the infected device using a reverse shell payload and a command and control (C&C) server architecture.

According to the technical details published by researchers, Skygofree includes multiple exploits to escalate privileges for root access, granting it ability to execute most sophisticated payloads on the infected Android devices.


One such payload allows the implant to execute shellcode and steal data belonging to other applications installed on the targeted devices, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, and Viber.
"There are multiple, exceptional capabilities: usage of multiple exploits for gaining root privileges, a complex payload structure, [and] never-before-seen surveillance features," the researchers said.
Skygofree’s control (C&C) server also allows attackers to ca

Credit Card Fraud Reported After People Purchased OnePlus Smartphones

OnePlus Credit Card Fraud main

if you purchased OnePlus devices through the official site in the last few months, your credit card details could be at risk. Many users who bought OnePlus devices later reported suspicious activity on their credit card statement.
According to a security firm Fidus, the issue could be associated with how the payment process happens, not the OnePlus website. The site is developed using the Magento eCommerce platform which the researchers say has been targeted by attackers multiple times.

As the payments page is hosted on the OnePlus site, the credit card details can be intercepted by the attackers. They have a small window before the details get encrypted and sent to the third-party server for processing.
OnePlus Credit Card fraud payment page

In their official response made on the OnePlus forum, the Chinese smartphone maker said they’re investigating the credit card fraud reports and agreed that the buyers who used their credit cards directly to make purchases are among the affected ones.

OnePlus said all the payment processing is done on the servers of their payment service provider. When a buyer chooses “Save this card for future tractions,” the card details are stored on the third-party server. The OnePlus site only saves an encrypted token which is used by the payment server to fetch the payment details of the buyer.

OnePlus also clarified that they have been shifting away from Magento platform and re-designing their website with custom code. Also, they never used Magento’s payment module. So, it’s unlikely their site is affected by the Magento bugs discovered in the past.
While the company was quick to issue a statement, it doesn’t seem it would of much help to the buyers who got money sucked from their accounts. People who are seeing unknown transactions in their statement are advised to contact their banks immediately and get things sorted.

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